【End of Oct 2022】zaico mobile app will be renewed

Thank you for using zaico. We will revamp our mobile application “zaico” at the end of October 2022 (planned).(※1)(※2)
Why do we make changes?
While ZAICO, Inc. has kept updating zaico’s service and features in the 6 years since its initial launch to respond to our customers’ requests, we have not made any major changes to the design or usability of zaico app.
We will renew zaico mobile application in order to be the closest and easiest-to-use application for customers to manage their inventory and acquire information on real objects. The functionality will remain the same as before and you can continue using it in the same way.
After the renewal, zaico will display inventory data in an easy-to-understand manner and will be more convenient to use. We have made improvements to make your inventory management even easier and more convenient, and we hope that you like these updates.
What will be changed?
- We have renewed the design for all screens on both iOS and Android devices. You can find the major screens’ design below.
- Functions to be added to the mobile app
- You can edit quantity directly from the inventory list.
- You can search inventory data with detailed criteria.
- You can sort inventory data by additional attributes.
- You can configure the order and display/non-display of fields in inventory detail and edit screens.
- You can create scheduled data for incoming and outgoing shipments from the incoming/outgoing scan
- The name will be changed from “Purchasing/Delivery” to “Receiving/Exporting”. (The name on the web application will be updated at the same time.)
About Beta Version Availability
The beta version will be available from October 17, 2022, prior to the renewal at the end of October (planned). Detailed process to join the program will be announced at the time of the beta release.
Please use the beta version if you would like to try out the new mobile app, or if you would like to replace the operation manual in advance. You can stop using the beta version at any time.
Upcoming Schedule
October 17, 2022
Beta version app will be available. (※3)
Around the end of October 2022
We plan to officially release the updated zaico mobile app considering the beta version stability and customer feedback.(※1)(※4)
※1 Once you have updated to the latest version after the official release (planned around end of October), you will not be able to revert to the previous version. If you wish to avoid the accidental update, please turn off the automatic update function on your smartphone.
※2 There will be no renewal of the zaico PC version (web application).
※3 In case unexpected major issues are found, we may stop the beta version access without notice.